There are two major breakthroughs that have just occurred and made my life a lot less stressful.
One, strawberry season is over. While this means I won't be making as much money, it also means I can drop down to two or three days a week on the farm, instead of six or seven. Thank the lord, because the weather is heating up, and the farmers market is kicking into gear.
This brings us to two. The first farmers market is on the 7th, and I was sorely afraid I was unprepared. Having since mocked up my booth and taken inventory, as well as spent several long evenings and mornings and free moments churning out pieces, I finally feel that I have more than enough. And I still have more than a week left!
I'm working on a whole bunch of different styles that I've experimented with in the past, and I must say I love wire.
I still have no pictures, but I promise I'll post some as soon as I do! Also, new listings on Etsy will have to wait until after the market. Check out what's still in my shop though, and if there's anything you particularly like grab it now, because I can make no guarantees for what will be left after next weekend.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Inventory check, and why I'm suddenly almost sane
Posted by
Robin Marie
2:18 PM
Labels: Booth, Etsy, events, Farmers Market, SoaSA
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Help Amanda Have Some Fun: a plan.
It's 95 degree and humid here, a rare, disgusting occasion, and I only lasted an hour and a half picking berries today!
I finally, finally finished the dreadlock sleeve I was making for a lovely guy named Jared. It turned out to be much more extravagant than planned, and the poor guy had to wait a while. He's been very sweet about it though, and I think the piece I sent will be well worth the time! Of course, in my excitement I mailed it out without taking a picture. I also mailed out a bunch of books for the BookSwap community I'm part of on Livejournal.com, and some little bundles of beads to my friend Amanda.
Speaking of Amanda, I have a plan. First, back story.
That would be Amanda in purple, laughing at me:)
So, this girl is absolutely the most wonderful young woman I have ever met. She's the best friend one could imagine. She tells you if your jeans make your butt look fat, and she's always up for a long, rambling conversation (which I love). Aside from that though, Amanda gives more of herself to the world that anyone I've ever met. She's an avid fighter for the rights of the homeless and she devotes much of her time to Habitat for Humanity. Despite it all she remains completely down to earth and welcoming, never looking down at those of us who (cough) don't spend our time as generously. Here's the thing. Amanda had plans for the summer, to work and save for school, mostly. However, upon arriving home from a Habitat build in Hungary, she found her grandfather was in a state of immobility, and unable to care for himself. Amanda has dropped everything to spend her summer secluded in the house in the mountains where her grandfather lives, without a car or Internet, and certainly no job.
Here's the thing. I want to give Amanda a weekend away, a chance to relax and have some fun this summer. We're young, after all, and summer is still important to us. My plan is to drive up and get her the third weekend in July, and bring her home to my house so we can go to Falcon Ridge Folk Fest. The problem is that tickets are expensive. So my plan is this. 50% of whatever I sell on Etsy in the next month will be going to the "Help Amanda Have Some Fun" fund, and I'm putting some of her jewelry in my booth at the next few farmer's markets!
There you have it folks! If you'd like to help this girly out check out my Etsy Shop. and see if anything catches your eye, or stop by (if you're local) the Hillsdale Farmers' Market on either July 7th or 21st!,
Posted by
Robin Marie
3:37 PM
Monday, June 25, 2007
Long overdue!
Hello world, it's me, Robin Marie!
I've been swamped with work. Completely and utterly overwhelmed. Juggling three jobs isn't always physically challenging (though being on my feet or bent over in a field picking strawberries all day is) but it's certainly an emotional challenge. At night I dream of work, and in the few hours I'm not working or sleeping I'm remembering to eat. Very little in the way of jewelry is getting done, a fact that terrifies and frustrates me. Terrifying because starting the 7th I'll have my booth set up in town every other weekend, open to the hordes of New Yorkers that frequent this town. I'm not at all ready this year. Once or twice a week I get to indulge in the calm quiet of the bead store. Those 7 hours are what keep me sane. Last week I made 40 pairs of earwires, 11 pairs of earrings, and a gorgeous necklace. This week I have a custom peyote sleeve to finish.
I've taken today off, away from my other-life jobs in order to attent to my life. I'm mocking up my brand new booth, about 10 million times improved from last year! I'm doing my laundry, I'm taking stock of my jewelry and supplies, blogging, cleaning my room, and sitting down while I eat.
Pictures of my booth (assembled in the living room) will follow shortly!
Peace, love, and an oasis of free time!
Robin Marie
Posted by
Robin Marie
10:51 AM
Labels: Booth, challenge, Farmers Market, SoaSA
Monday, June 11, 2007
I'm not dead
I'm just really, really busy.
I'll be back soon I hope when I've got more of a handle on things.
Until then!
Posted by
Robin Marie
3:22 PM
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
All that imaginary money...
Yesterday evening I spent some time working in the garden with my mom, and I took some photos of her fabulous flowers that I thought I would share.
Right now, among other things, we've got some beautiful irises,

some wild poppies,

and some brilliant pink lupines, which are my mom's favorite!

As for my flowers, I've got these available at my Etsy Shop.

Posted by
Robin Marie
2:53 PM
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Off the Beaded Path

This lovely piece is made with two sweet little New Jade briolettes and a smattering of Swarovski Crystals. It's for sale on my Etsy page, you can find it Here!
Posted by
Robin Marie
2:07 PM
Saturday, June 2, 2007
I made a life altering decision yesterday. It was a long time coming...weeks and months of unhappiness culminating into one final push. I didn't want to do it, but I know that I needed to, that even though it's causing me pain now, in the end it will prevent much more. I hate hurting people, I hate breaking promises, as naive as they may have been. Forever wasn't as real then as it is now. I hate leaving people behind. I don't want him to feel pain, struggle, abandonment. If there was a way to end something without losing anything I would take it. All or nothing is a hard bit to swallow.
I don't know exactly how I'll react to this in the long run. Today I'm scattered, trying to involve myself in projects, books, work, but I can't hold my attention steady for long. You may see a huge burst of activity from me, attempts to immerse myself completely in my work and not think about what I've lost. You may not hear from me for a while. I don't know. We'll see.
Goodbye my one. Here's to memories and dreams of eternity. I truly wish they could have been.

Posted by
Robin Marie
2:06 PM