Friday, February 23, 2007

Metals Projects

I've got photos of my first project, and a pair of earrings I made just for kicks. I don't have shots of my most recent project, which I'm very, very excited about. I'll post pictures of that soon, I hope.
Anyway, here they are:

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My first project:) The assignment was seven+ internal piercings and an external.

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Sunday, February 11, 2007

Number One!

I completed my first piece of jewelry for my metals class today. I don't have pictures, but it's a shimmery shiny little pendant that I'm completely in love with. I'll post some pictures ASAP.
That's all. I just needed to share.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Sweet Sale!

Though this may seem small, I sold a pair of earrings to a complete stranger on Etsy this evening! Most of my sales take place either through MySpace, or from my booth. I've spent most of the last two days working on my shop, getting it back in gear, so it's exciting to see results!

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These are the lucky little earrings.

I've been photographing jewelry all evening, and I'm very happy with how the photos are coming out! I bought myself the sweetest little tripod and I love it to death.

Here are a couple shots:

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I have lots of inventory to list on Etsy, and I'm hoping to list once or twice a day pretty regularly to keep up exposure.

I'm going nuts with my order from Fire Mountain Gems, the Assortable feature is irresistible!

Friday, February 9, 2007

Re: Playing with Fire

My soldering work didn't look to bad! I didn't burn the building down, I didn't burn myself, and I didn't ruin anything. I'm a bit accident prone, I've found. My prof. was impressed with some of it, and said other pieces needed work. I can live with that.

Our first project is a soldered sculpture made entirely of wire. A bit hefty for a first project, but we'll see how it goes. I'm making a saxophone, because I seem obsessed with the shape. (see: Saxophone)

I'm also supposed to go in and practice my cold connections, and brush up my other soldering samples.

Lately I've been stiching up Peyote sleeves like a fiend. Somehow I ended up with a couple multi-orders at once, which is very exciting, even if it means a bunch of work at once.

I've also been uploading to Etsy, and I'm working on setting up a space to photograph my newer pieces.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Playing with Fire

My Basic Metals class has kicked in to gear, and we're moving along at a good clip. We've covered sawing, piercing, filing, annealing, pickling, and now we're working on soldering.

I'm not going to lie, the first time I lit the torch I was a bit shaken up. It looks rather small and delicate, so I wasn't expecting the Whooosh of flame that appeared instantaniously. I'm a bit nervous about going in to the studio today, sans instructor, and trying to figure out this soldering thing myself. I've used the torch about three times, in total, and I'm not so sure I'm comfortable with it yet.

I'm having a blast, dispite the butterflies in my stomach, and I'm very excited to be in the class!


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