Sunday, June 21, 2009

SA Sunday: Lechucita Vizcachera - Birdwatching

Lechucita Vizcachera, originally uploaded by Soasa Designs.

I spotted this Burrowing Owl while my friends and I were at a polo club outside the city of Buenos Aires. I couldn't believe how close it let me get!

I've just finished my birdwatching class at UCA, and I'm so pumped about how it went! I'm very sad to say goodbye to my professor and my classmates. We were a small, tight-knit group, and we had a lot of fun together. Yesterday we saw some incredibly cool birds, including a father and son pair of Rufescent Tiger-Herons, a whole mess of Monk Parakeets, a Golden-Breasted Woodpecker, and the silly looking Guira Cuckoo (Looks like he's got bad bedhead, right?).


This is a portion of my list of birds that I've identified from Argentina and the US. It's growing, hopefully forever! I'm very excited to take my book with me on my trip and see what else I can find! You can click the image to see it more clearly.

Want more South America Sunday? Click it!


Sarah said...

!! I LOVE the owl! He's just so cute!

Andreapgn said...

¿No son preciosas las lechuzas?

¡Mucha suerte en tu viaje!

Robin Marie said...

Sarah: Isn't he just?! I was SO excited:)

Andrea: Si, me encanta! Son aves muy curiosos!

Muchas gracias! Estoy pensando que yo quiero visitar la factoría de Araucania lana en Chile!

Sonia Singh said...

You have post a awesome blog with beautiful pic.

Robin Marie said...


Thank you so much for taking a look at it! I'm very happy that you enjoy it:)


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