Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ten on Tuesday

I'm jumping on the bandwagon because all the cool kids are doing it!

This week's Ten on Tuesday is 10 things I like to do with "Me" time, though my list is sort of a mix of what I like to do, and where I find me time. I need a lot of alone time, so this list was NOT hard for me.

1: Knit. Knit knit knit knit. Weaving too!

2: Sleep.

3: Cook. I'm learning, and I'm really beginning to enjoy it.

4: Clean. I know this is weird, but when I'm in the mood I love to crank up some music and clean.

5: Blog, and all the activities surrounding blogging, planning posts, taking photos...

6: Work. I know this might seem out of place, but I prefer to work alone. I like getting things done, it gives me a lot of pleasure, and I like when I can focus 100% and get a LOT done.

7: Read. I love to read, but it isn't often that I can convince myself to stop DOING stuff long enough to just sit down with a book. Once I'm into it I'm into it though. When I was younger that was totally different, but now I feel compelled to always be making or doing.

8: Get to places. For example, I walk about 15 minutes between the Subte and my uni. I like to walk alone and listen to some music and bop along. I also love driving to work or school by myself, because I can sing in the car.

9: Bum around the internet. Especially Ravelry, my Google Blog Reader, Etsy and Twitter.

10: Watch movies or tv shows or listen to audiobooks. This one compliments my first item. KNITTING.

11: (Sorry, had to add one more) I love drinking my morning Mate. I drink Mate socially as well, but I love sitting in my room getting my e-mails in order with my Mate.

1 comment:

JessaLu said...

for the record? I am soooo not one of the cool kids. ;op

Great list!


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