Friday, February 29, 2008

D is for...

Dready 001, originally uploaded by Soasa Designs.

Dreadlocks! I've been been nurturing these guys for about two and a half years, and we've been through a lot together! I've learned patience and dedication, I've learned to embrace the process, to allow things to develop as they will. I've learned to be more open with people, because I can't blend into the furniture anymore. I've learned that stereotypes are lame, that a lot of people are looking to buy pot, and that people are sometimes very stupid. (Do you wash your hair? How long does it take for you to make your hair like that every day? Yo, wanna smoke? So you like, hug trees and stuff? You're stealing black people's culture! You wish you were black! [I should note that it's only the white folks who say this to me]) I've also learned that people are often curious, they want to touch my hair, and they want to learn more.

As a point of reference, here is where my locks were at in February 2006:


I say, DAMN.

For the Flickr ABC-Along

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